Wednesday, August 17, 2022
Amazing "Garfield" my dearest feline buddy
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
As usual like any other day ,one evening on 15th of August 2021, the feast of Assumption of Our lady into heaven and it being a
holiday, we were walking down our path for a long evening walk by the beach closer to the hours when the sun was dipping down the horizon . The walk had us much caught up enjoying the cool breeze caressing our cheeks and the acres of verdant paradise sprawled around the stretch where most tourists come flocking . As we walked on ; down the sand carved shore on the beach , my ears caught a faint sound coming from across the bushes . At first it
sounded like the chirp of a small bird, and then we heard it again this time
more distinctly and we were sure it was the mewling of a wee little
kitten. We inched closer to the spot we thought the sound came from and waited to hear it come again . For a brief period there was this lull and we thought it were our ears playing a trick and we went back to sitting at the same exact spot immersing ourselves in to chatting again .
A few moments later the sound emanated once again and this time we heard a
kitten meow and saw it moving
around the same bush looking frightened every bit
.The fear struck little kitty had spotted us
letting out its constant meows as if telling us of his having been lost and separated from its mother. The kitten looked famished and now abandoned .
Seeing an animal in distress mostly awakens our humane side and this time we knew that this kitten needed fostering ;lest it would die of hunger, get run over by vehicles or be
killed or eaten alive
by some predators mostly dogs or hyenas that scavenge the beach for the leftovers or simply in search of preys all through the day evening and nightly hours
That instant had us decide to bring home this part
gingerly partially white kitty whom we christened “KIWI “ . The little kitty for about a week was frantic and cried day and night wanting its mother to be around and since the kitty was lost soon after opening its eyes it was still suckling on to its mother when it got separated due to strange turn of events around the area it was found. It is kind of a habit with my lady to foster pups and kitties very well and she does it
better than anyone . So we had a feeder bottle brought home and thus began KIWI’s nurturing . The kitty by now had gotten used to living with us and with it ended its cries within months of its being around us .He was seen growing beautifully; and we determined it was a male kitty .
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And now KIWI is in to
second year after his
birth. I guess I will have more of his sojourns to relate to in the coming days . Do stay with me as
his story has just begun………………
Have a blast cutting loose to the beat in your own unique way!
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