Saturday, August 26, 2023

Hobbies & Pursuits Part XIX "Web Design"

 Hobbies & Pursuits Part   XIX

    "Web Design"

Factually speaking ,web designing as a hobby and  pursuit is new  to me and I was kind of skeptical but when I talked to one of my chum who is a web designer by profession ,he was more than glad in telling me how very satisfying it is for someone to be hobbyist of this I sat him down to elaborate what is what and this is what he had to tell:In his words he explained that the “Web designing” refers to the process of creating and designing websites.The process involves various aspects such as layout design, graphics design, user interface design, and content production. As is for him he said Web designers put to use different tools and techniques to create visually appealing and functional websites that meet the needs and goals of the clients or businesses.

Continuing further he mentioned about some of the key aspects involving the art of web designing which I need  to  tell you  one  by  one: 

Layout Design: Alex said that the layout designing involves designing the structure and arrangement of different elements on a web page. That may include determining the placement of text, images, videos, buttons, and other interactive elements to start with.

Graphics Design: Next up he mentioned how web designers use graphic design tools to create visually appealing elements such as logos, icons, banners, and illustrations. These graphics enhance the overall look and feel of the website


User Interface (UI) Design: In  addition  to  that  there  is  another    side  to  web  designing  which  is  UI user  interface  design that aims  to  focus on creating an intuitive and user-friendly interface. It involves designing navigation menus, buttons, forms, and other interactive elements to ensure a smooth user experience.

Content Production: Alex mentioned that web designers also work on creating or organizing content for the website. This includes writing or editing text, selecting appropriate images or videos, and optimizing content for search engines.

Responsive Design: With the increasing use of mobile devices, he stressed that   like many others from his field need to ensure that websites are responsive and adaptable to different screen sizes. As   responsive design allows websites to automatically adjust their layout and content to provide an optimal viewing experience on various devices.

Accessibility: He added that web designers should consider accessibility guidelines to ensure that websites are accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This involves using proper color contrasts, providing alternative text for images, and making the website easily navigable for users with assistive technologies.

SEO Optimization: In the end he added that   web designers also need to understand the basics of search engine optimization (SEO) to create websites that are search engine friendly that help optimize the website's structure, content, and Meta tags to improve its visibility in search engine results.

Going  by  all  that  what was  spoken  to  me  I  think  web designing requires a combination of technical skills, creativity, and an understanding of user experience. It seems more like a collaborative process that involves working closely with clients, developers, and other stakeholders to create visually appealing and functional websites. Correct  me  if  my  friend  Alex  is gone  off  track  telling  me  something  irrelevant

Later  that evening   Alex  did  squeeze a little  more  of  his  precious  time   in  telling  me again as  to  what  essentially  are  the  prerequisites to be   a  web designer  if a hobbyist  has  to  pursue  the  same      and  go  on  to become  one .

Education: He said although a formal degree is not always required, but most employers prefer candidates with a bachelor's degree in web design, graphic design, or a related field. However, self-taught individuals with a strong portfolio can also be considered.

Technical skills: Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is essential for web designers. They should also have knowledge of responsive design, user experience (UX), and user interface (UI) design principles. Familiarity with design software like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator is also beneficial.

Design skills: Alex mentioned that web designers need a strong sense of visual design and aesthetics. They should have an eye for color, typography, layout, and overall composition. Knowledge of design principles, such as balance, contrast, and hierarchy, to be precise being very crucial to this field

Creativity: Web designers should be creative and innovative in their approach to design. They need to come up with unique and visually appealing solutions for websites based on client requirements and industry trends.

Problem-solving skills: Web designers often encounter technical challenges and client requests that require problem-solving skills. They should be able to find practical solutions and troubleshoot issues that may arise during the design process.

Communication skills: Effective communication is important for web designers to understand client requirements, collaborate with team members, and present their design concepts. They should be able to articulate their ideas clearly and receive feedback constructively.

Time management: Additionally he spoke  about  web designers and  their multitasking skillsets and   how  sometimes  they  have  to  work  on multiple projects with tight deadlines which  must  be  met  and wherein  they  must  also  possess   good time management skills to prioritize tasks, meet deadlines, and handle multiple projects simultaneously.

Continuous learning:  As for  the  other  hobbies  and  pursuits  I blogged  about  earlier   Web designing  too  is  a  continuous  learning  pursuit  due  to  new advancements in the  field of  computers and  peripherals where   to  be  in  the  race  every  designer need to stay updated with the latest trends, technologies, and design practices. Continuous learning and self-improvement are part  and  parcel of  this  brainiac  hobby   to  stay  afloat  and  meet  the  competition

In  his  lighter  moments  I  simply  asked   him  to  tell  me   about  the best web designers  in  employ  with  the  big  companies  .  He said  it  would  be  subjective  on  his  part  but  still  he  said  there  are  quite  a  few top  notch   companies known for their exceptional web design capabilities .And  then  again  choices can  be  based  on  personal preferences  he  said  , industry focus, and individual projects  and  that  may  seem  biased  where   each  one  will  have a  different  take   than  the  other  However, there are several of  them  that  are exceptional  from  the  rest .In that  he  said  those  are  :


Apple is renowned for its sleek and visually appealing website designs that focus on simplicity, user experience, and seamless integration with their products and services.


Airbnb's website design is known for its clean and intuitive interface, beautiful imagery, and effective use of typography. They prioritize user experience and make it easy for users to navigate and find what they need.


Google's web design is characterized by its minimalist approach, clear hierarchy, and focus on usability. They prioritize speed, simplicity, and accessibility in their designs.


Nike's website design is visually striking, with bold imagery, dynamic animations, and a strong emphasis on their brand identity. They create immersive experiences that engage users and promote their products effectively.


Shopify is a leading e-commerce platform that focuses on providing visually appealing and user-friendly website designs for online stores. They offer a wide range of customizable templates and themes to cater to various industries and design preferences.


IDEO is a renowned design and innovation consulting firm known for its human-centered design approach. They have a team of talented designers who create innovative and user-centric website designs for their clients.

He further went on to tell that these are just a few examples, and there are many other companies with exceptional web designers. It's important to note that the "best" web designers can vary based on individual preferences, project requirements, and industry focus.

As  for  the  rewards this hobby has to offer to the hobbysits as web designers Brace yourself before I tell you all how rewarding it is as there are a couple of them which I will pick down under on a random note to drive home that feeling of aspiration for you to be an achiever in life in whatever you may choose to do worthwhile.

As briefed  by  Alex  let’s then sift through the  rewarding  side  of  this  pursuit  sequentially 


Creativity outlet: Talk about  creativity  outlet  and  here is  a  hobby  that  has  many  outlets   to express one's creativity and artistic skills  being  a  web designer .It  enables  the  individual  to  create  visually appealing websites and explore various design elements like color schemes, typography, and layout by providing   an  exceptional   platform  . This  creative  aspiration  goes  on  to  fulfill future  dreams   by  channelizing  one's creative energy.

Personal projects: Add  to that  web design as a hobby enables individuals to create and maintain their personal websites or blogs. They can showcase their interests, hobbies, or personal brand through a visually appealing and functional website. It allows for personal expression and a means to share ideas or content with others.

Freelancing opportunities: And  the  plus  side  to  it  is that  this  hobby  can  also be pursued as a part-time or full-time freelance career. Many individuals choose to offer their web design services to clients on a freelance basis. This allows for flexible work hours, the opportunity to work with different clients and industries, giving  them  the potential to earn income from their passion.

Skill development: Pursuing web design as a hobby provides an avenue for skill development and continuous learning. hobysists learn  to   explore  new design techniques, stay updated with the latest design trends, and learn new technologies. It can be a fulfilling and intellectually stimulating pursuit that enhances one's knowledge and expertise in the field.

Contribution to others: Web designers can contribute to the online community by creating websites for nonprofit organizations, local businesses, or community initiatives. This allows them to use their skills to make a positive impact and support causes they care about.

Networking opportunities: Engaging in web design as a hobby can lead to networking opportunities with other designers, developers, or professionals in related fields. Online communities, forums, or local meetups provide avenues to connect with like-minded individuals, share knowledge, collaborate on projects, and gain inspiration.

Well  then  here  is  a platform  that   offers creativity, personal expression, skill development, and potential professional opportunities  beside  providing  a sense of satisfaction, personal growth, and the ability to contribute to the digital landscape.


Coming  to  the  end  of  the  blog  is kinda scary ; but  I can't  help  it  as  we  just  can't   go on forever  endlessly . To  make  it short  I  think  a blog   as explicit  as  this  must  suffice  in  driving   home  a  point  a  message    that unless  my  prompting  makes  you  lean  on to this    or  some  of  the  other  hobbies  and  pursuits that  I  covered  earler  my  effort  would  be  a  big  waste  if  I  do  not  succeed  in  inspiring   you  to  make  your  first  move  and  decide  for  yourself  what  your  life  goal  would  be .To  get  you  inspired  I  have been  selective in  choosing   these two  quotes . which  I  am  sure  are  motivational enough  for  you  all to  see  through   the wisdom of these  great minds  and  help  you ignite the fire  and  brace  the  hobby  head  on 

See what this quote has to   say

The finest thing about a hobby is that you can’t do any pretending about it. You either like it or you don’t. – Dorothy Draper

You never lose a dream, it just incubates as a hobby. – Larry Page

Lastly  we  have  come  to  those  smarting up  minutes   with my usual call to action time caption where I want to see those of  you without a hobby showing their due promptitude in taking up web designing as a  hobby  from this  minute  on  and  share   experiences  with  their valuable  comments Remember, every successful hobbyist starts as a beginner. Keep learning, growing, and pursuing your passion with determination and joy. Ha!  Let me know in the comments below. If   you have been enjoying the   inclusion of   inspirational hobby quotes  

Good luck on your  web designing journey!

 Ciao for  now  from your

Blogbuddy @    aka

Blogbuddy @

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Hobbies & Pursuits Part XVIII "Singing"


Hobbies & Pursuits Part   XVIII


For  those  of us  who have  been  unversed , pages  of  the  mankind’s  history  reveals  that Singing has been around for centuries and has evolved into a popular form of artistic expression  .Man  slowly but   surely learnt  that  this  unique  gift  from  the  heavens  bestowed  upon  us   and  then  passed on  to  us  from  Y-Adam and mtEve  nicknames for the most recent common ancestors of our maternal and paternal lines  and  funnily  enough   NOT the Biblical couple from the Garden of Eden  as  I  had  thought  initially  but  proven  wrong  by  Scientific  studies  to  support  their  claim.


Back  to  Music then  which   in  all  its  glory  has  the  power to captivate audiences, evoke emotions, and tell stories through the power of voice and melody. Singing can be found in various cultures and genres, ranging from classical opera to contemporary pop music. With the advancement of technology, singing has also become more accessible to the masses through platforms like YouTube and streaming services. It has become a career path for many aspiring artists, allowing them to share their talents with the world. Singing has the ability to bring people together, transcend language barriers, and create a universal connection through the beauty of music.

Let’s delve   a  bit  deeper  and  know  what  Singing is :  And my  dear men  and  women  it’s   the very   act of producing musical sounds with the voice  involving the vocal chords, lungs, and other parts of the respiratory system to create pitch, tone, and rhythm which  are  pleasantly  listenable  . Singing can be done in various styles, such as solo performances, choral singing, or in a group or band setting. It is a form of self-expression and communication, allowing individuals to convey emotions, tell stories, and connect with others through the power of music. Singing requires technique, control, and practice to develop skills such as breath control, pitch accuracy, and vocal range. It is a versatile art form that can be found in different genres and cultures worldwide.

Hmmm !  don’t  start crooning just as  yet  ; let’s  first   get  to  know   what  are  the  techniques that can help improve your   vocals and singing abilities.   Seems like  you  guys  are  in  luck  as  I  have  dug  out  some  of  them  to  hone   up  your  vocal  range  to  sound  your  very  best  and  lilt and  amuse   the  audience  So  here  goes :

Proper Breathing: Avoid  smoking  to begin  with  better  still  just  give  up  on  that  nasty  habit  if  you  are  the one stuck  to  it  and  aspiring  to  be  a singer   First up learning diaphragmatic breathing techniques will help improve your breath control and  render support while singing. Involve using  diaphragm to take deep breaths, allowing for sustained and controlled vocalization.

Vocal Warm-ups: You  gotta perform vocal warm-up exercises on  a  daily  note  several  times  in  a  day  before singing to   help  you   loosen up the vocal chords and prepare  you  for singing. In  doing  so  include  lip trills, humming, tongue twisting , and scaling  high   and  low  as  far  as  your  vocals  can  go 

Posture and Alignment Of  all  the  things said and  done here in above maintaining a good posture and alignment while singing  comes  first which  is  an integral  part  of  singing  and  is essential for optimal vocal production   . Point  to  note  is  that  when you  Stand or sit  up straight with relaxed shoulders and an open chest you  will  have  a  better breath  control and resonance.

Vocal Exercises: Go performing vocal exercises to strengthen the vocal cords and improve your vocal range, agility, and control. Exercises such as these include scales, arpeggios, and vocal sirens.

Pitch Control and Ear Training: Try developing good pitch control which is crucial for singing in tune. Take up ear training exercises, such as singing along with a piano or using apps, to help improve pitch accuracy and develop a better sense of relative pitch.

Articulation and Diction: Pay attention to articulation and diction to help improve clarity and pronunciation while singing. Why  not  Practice  tongue twisters and focus on enunciating difficult  sounding  words with  clarity  to  make  it  more   beneficial.

Vocal Health: Do take utmost   care of your vocal health which is   essential for maintaining and improving singing abilities. Not  to  forget   staying hydrated, avoiding excessive throat clearing or yelling, and minimizing vocal strain  to  boost  your  stamina  and  inherent  vocal  ranging capabilities 

Seek Professional Guidance: Try  exploring  avenues  and  see  if  you  can  Work with a vocal coach or take  singing lessons  that  may  help   provide you  with  one  on  one   personalized feedbacks, guidance, and techniques tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Keep  in  mind   consistent practice and patience  gets  you   closer  towards  reaching  your  goal  so  also   to improve  your  vocals and singing abilities over time,  you  must strive  hard  to  embrace  multiple  options .

And now  what I see in  you   is   a  budding  hobbyist   but I  must  also  tell  you  what are  the  benefits will be  lined up    for your having  chosen  singing  as  your ultimate  pursuit   which  in the  long  run  will  leave   a  positive impact in your  life :

Emotional Expression:This  pursuit will  allow  you  to express and release emotions. It can  also   be your  cathartic and therapeutic outlet, helping you to reduce stress, anxiety, and improve your overall emotional well-being.

Confidence Building: When  you  brace  yourself  to  Singing in front of others, whether in a choir, karaoke, or performing solo, be  assure  to  have to get a boost of  self-confidence and self-esteem. This  will  help  you  Overcome stage fright and be  showered with   positive feedbacks  all  over   and  that  again  will  contribute to your  personal growth and increased self-assurance.

Improved Breathing and Posture: We  had previously   talked about  the time  tested   techniques  Didn’t  we? Let  me  reiterate that  singing requires proper breathing techniques and good posture. Sticking  to  regular practice will   strengthen your   diaphragm, which  in  turn  will  improve  your   lung capacity, leading  to  better overall breathing habits.

Vocal Skills and Technique: Point  worth  noting  here  is that  when you  pursue  singing as a hobby  it  will   lead to the development of your  vocal skills and technique. And  with  regular  practice, you  will  have    expansion  of  your  vocal range, improving  your   pitch accuracy, which  in  turn  will  help you develop  control over various vocal techniques such as vibrato or falsetto.

Social Connection: Well now I  know  you  have  already  picked  up  the  ropes  but do know  that  Singing often involves group activities such as joining a choir or participating in community singing events so help  yourself by  joining    atleast  one .  This in turn will   foster a sense of belonging, and will help you create new friends and provide opportunities for collaboration and teamwork.

Cognitive Benefits: Do know that Singing engages various cognitive processes, such as memory, attention, and coordination. Learning and memorizing lyrics, melodies, and harmonies will help   enhance your cognitive abilities and improve your mental agility.

Physical Benefits: Blessed  you and  me   your   Singing  prowess    also  has it’s   multiple  physical benefits, to  help you learn  in   improving  your   posture, aiding  you  with  increased    lung capacity, and strengthening  your  facial muscles is   its  positive  vibe that  will  stand   rubbed    on  you   .Beside  It will  also go to the  extent  of   stimulating   the release of endorphins, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation.

Creative Outlet:   This pursuit will   allow you to   express creativity and interpret songs in a   way   unique to you alone. It can be a form of artistic expression and a means of connecting with others through shared musical experiences. 

There  is more  yet   to  come  but  tell  you what ........... your singing as a hobby and pursuit always helps bring joy, personal growth, and numerous physical, emotional, and social benefits Another  plus to  it  is  that   It is a versatile and accessible form of self-expression that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds.

Looks  like  you  need  some  more  inspiration ,dont' you !? and  when  it  is  to do  with  inspiration  how  about  the  ones who  have already   made  their  indelible  mark  and  been  inspiration  to  so  many  in  their  selective  genres. I can't  help  but  tell  you  who  they  are:

Pop: Adele - Known for her powerful and emotive voice, Adele has achieved massive success with hits like "Rolling in the Deep" and "Someone Like You."

R&B/Soul: Aretha Franklin - Often referred to as the "Queen of Soul," Aretha Franklin's soulful and distinctive voice has made her an icon. Her hits include "Respect" and "Natural Woman."

Rock: Freddie Mercury - The lead vocalist of the band Queen, Freddie Mercury had an extraordinary vocal range and stage presence. He is remembered for his powerful performances and hits like "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "We Will Rock You."

Country: Dolly Parton - With her unique voice and storytelling ability, Dolly Parton is one of the most successful country singers. Her songs like "Jolene" and "9 to 5" have become classics.

Jazz: Ella Fitzgerald - Known as the "First Lady of Song," Ella Fitzgerald was a jazz legend with a captivating voice and impeccable improvisational skills. Her renditions of songs like "Summertime" and "Mack the Knife" are timeless.

Opera: Luciano Pavarotti - Considered one of the greatest tenors of all time, Luciano Pavarotti had a powerful and expressive voice that brought opera to a wider audience. His performances of arias like "Nessun Dorma" are legendary.

These are just a few examples, and there are countless talented singers across various genres who have made significant contributions to music.

Beyoncé - Known for her powerful vocals and captivating performances, Beyoncé has achieved immense success with hits like "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" and "Formation."

Ed Sheeran - With his heartfelt lyrics and melodic voice, Ed Sheeran has become a global sensation. His popular songs include "Shape of You" and "Thinking Out Loud."

Taylor Swift - Taylor Swift has transitioned from country to pop music and has a massive fan base. Her chart-topping hits include "Love Story" and "Blank Space."

Bruno Mars - Known for his versatile singing style and energetic performances, Bruno Mars has achieved great success with songs like "Just the Way You Are" and "Uptown Funk."

Adele - Adele's soulful and powerful voice has garnered her worldwide acclaim. Her chart-topping hits include "Hello" and "Someone Like You."

Ariana Grande - With her impressive vocal range and catchy pop tunes, Ariana Grande has become one of the most popular singers of our time. Her hits include "Thank U, Next" and "Dangerous Woman.

Please note that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other talented and well-known singers in various genres who have gained popularity in recent years.

Here are six well-known singers from the past era to  inspire  you  further  

Frank Sinatra - Known as "The Voice," Frank Sinatra was a legendary singer and actor. He is remembered for his smooth vocals and iconic songs like "My Way" and "Fly Me to the Moon."

Elvis Presley - Often referred to as the "King of Rock and Roll," Elvis Presley had a charismatic stage presence and a powerful voice. His hits include "Hound Dog" and "Jailhouse Rock."

Aretha Franklin - As mentioned earlier, Aretha Franklin was a prominent singer from the past era as well. Her soulful voice and hits like "Respect" and "Chain of Fools" made her an icon.

Bob Dylan - Known for his poetic lyrics and distinctive voice, Bob Dylan is considered one of the greatest songwriters of all time. His influential songs include "Blowin' in the Wind" and "Like a Rolling Stone."

Whitney Houston - With her incredible vocal range and powerful voice, Whitney Houston became one of the most successful singers of the past era. Her hits like "I Will Always Love You" and "Greatest Love of All" are timeless.

Michael Jackson - Known as the "King of Pop," Michael Jackson was a global superstar with his electrifying performances and iconic songs. Hits like "Thriller" and "Billie Jean" solidified his status as a music legend.

These are just a few examples, and there are numerous other well-known singers from the past era who have made significant contributions to music.

A friendly advice to budding singers would be:

Believe in yourself: Have confidence in your abilities and believe in your unique voice and talent. Embrace your individuality and don't compare yourself to others.

Practice regularly: Dedicate time to practice and improve your vocal skills. Consistency is key, so make singing a part of your daily routine.

Seek professional guidance: Consider taking vocal lessons or working with a vocal coach who can help you develop proper technique, expand your vocal range, and improve your overall performance.

Explore different genres: Don't limit yourself to one genre of music. Experiment with different styles and genres to discover your strengths and find your own musical identity.

Perform in front of others: Gain experience and build your confidence by performing in front of an audience. Start with small gigs or open mic nights and gradually work your way up to larger venues.

Take care of your voice: Your voice is your instrument, so it's important to take care of it. Stay hydrated, warm up before singing, and avoid straining your voice. If you notice any vocal issues, seek professional help.

Embrace constructive criticism: Be open to feedback and constructive criticism from experienced musicians, vocal coaches, or mentors. Use it as an opportunity to grow and improve.

Network and collaborate: Connect with other musicians, songwriters, and producers. Collaborating with others can provide valuable learning experiences and open doors to new opportunities.

Stay dedicated and persevere: The journey of a singer can be challenging, but stay dedicated to your passion. Persevere through setbacks and keep working hard towards your goals.

Enjoy the process: Remember to have fun and enjoy the process of singing. Let your love for music shine through in your performances and connect with your audience.

And this  has  me  conclude  my   blog  but not  before  laying  emphasis  to start somewhere, and progress  gradually as  you  go  undertaking    any  journey  and  although  things  happen  in  their own time and  not  the  way  we  want  them  to. But above all  patience  is  the  key  to  success so you  gotta  be  cool,  and  patient    enough   in  embracing  pitfalls  mistakes and  open  up   to new  ideas to  new  learning opportunities, and enjoy the journey of singing. . I  think  you  are  starting  to  get  the  picture by  now .!?

See what  this quote has to   say 

“The only thing better than singing is more singing.” – Ella Fitzgerald

Lastly  we  have  come  to  those  smarting up  minutes   with my usual call to action time caption ,where I want to  see you  showing    your due    promptitude  in taking   up  singing  as  your  hobby  from this  minute  on  and  share your  experiences  with  your  valuable  comments . Remember, every successful singer starts as a beginner. Keep learning, growing, and pursuing your passion with determination and joy. 

Good luck on your musical journey!

Ciao for  now  from your

Blogbuddy @    aka

Blogbuddy @

Have a blast cutting loose to the beat in your own unique way!

  Hobbies & Pursuits Part XLVII   Freestyling         What   freestyling   ibasically is   ? Freestyling is a fun, creative dance ...