Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Hobbies & pursuits,Part-VIII

 DIY Projects

Voila! my  crafty self  just  about   ,managed  to put up  a  coat  of  fresh  paint  to  my decade old  rusting  fridge  and  guess  what  with  a  bit of  knowhow and a little  bit of  adopting  trial and error  method  here  and  there  I just  made  it  look  like  a  brand  new  piece  of  appliance once again ,  although  I  toiled  for  over  a  fortnight  but  seeing  the  end result it’s  worth  the  trouble  taken  &  now  it’s hard  to  even  make  out  whether  it’s  the same  old  rusty  fridge  or  a  newly  bought  home   appliance . Best  of  all   the  paid  services  for  this  kinda  job  was  done  away  with helping  me curtail  unwanted  expenditure  on  something which  I  knew  I  could very  well do without. In the  end finally   accomplishing   the  task   helped   me  save some money too, bringing a thousand watt smile of satisfaction  on  my face.

First  up  Do it yourself" ("DIY") isn’t  something that most  of  think  the  others  are not  aware  of , in fact by  and  large   the  majority  of  us  indulge  doing things  in  a  way  paid  experts  are  engaged to  do though  initially  with  a  nonprofessional  touch  but  we learn  as  we  go forward  .DIY  as we   know  is   When  you  get  down  to  doing  things  on  all by  yourself  on your  own  by  either  modifying  or  repairing  them  with  no  specialist  hand   involved  to  whom  normally  you  end  up  paying  sometimes  even  though  you  had wished  it  the  other  way round  by spending  no  money  at  all  but  helplessly  had  to  get it  done  because  you  thought  it’s  something  only  the  certified  hands    are  capable  of  and  not  you . But  all that’s  proven  wrong  and  while  it’s  the  easiest  most  of  hobbies  and  pursuits  its  totally  fun when you  get  started  and  finish  with   one project  .As  you  go doing  all  of  the “ do  it  yourself”   stuff  at  home  for  yourself  and  the   others  you  hone  up  your  skill  sets with  each task  and  go to  become an   expert  in  the  end gradually  .   

They say  necessity  is  the  mother  of  invention  so  when  one  is  looking  out   for  a  product  which  is  not  available  in  the  market  those  of  us  who  are  born  craftsmen  look  no  further  than  crafting   it out on  our own because  the  hobby  within  us  triggers  a certain  behavior  where  all  we  want to  do  is  pick  of  tools  of  the  trade  and  get  down  to  shaping  up  raw  material  bringing  to  life  transforming or  reconstructing  what  breaks   down  or goes  defunct 

Here the  hobbyist  is  not  only  capitalizing  on  his talent  he/she  also  is  creating  a  niche  for  self. Seeing  their  worth  the  others  approach  and  one   gets  popular overtime  being  independent  and  better  than the  paid  professionals in  fixing  problems at  half  the  cost  they would  pay  to  the  paid services otherwise.

Now this DIY phrase came in to being somewhere in the ‘50s. Back  in  the  days when  people  noticed  that  by  employing  their  own  hands  if  assortment  of little  tasks and   construction projects  could  be  accomplished  then  why  not  so it  started  full-fledged without  the  help  of  any  outside  aid  for  cash  and  they  decided  to  settle  doing it  on their own and  when it  proved  to  be  creative-recreational and cost-saving activity ,  they  never  looked  back and  the  rest  is  history when   this  hobby  and  pursuit  took  off from their  and  became  a  household trend .     

With the passing of decades, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY has been described as a "self-made-culture"; one of designing, creating, customizing and repairing items or things without any special training. DIY has grown to become a social concept with people sharing ideas, designs, techniques, methods and finished projects with one another either online or in person.

Let’s go elaborating  a  bit more  on the  subject  as the  hobbyists  of  this  have  only   to  gain  with   nothing to  lose .  Due  to  it being  uniquely  different  than  the  other  hobbies and  pursuits  I am  here  to   tell  you how does it help out the ones who embrace it  :  

Delight  and  achievement : The  reason  why  I  said  these  DIY  projects  are  uniquely  distinct  because  of  the  way    hobbyists manage to  create something with their own hands, providing them  with  a sense of accomplishment and self-pride. Accomplishing any such project gives a feeling of satisfaction bolstering ones self-contentment.

Skill shaper:  Usually engaging in DIY projects aids hobbyists polish various skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and hand-eye coordination. It provides an opportunity to learn and improve skills in areas like woodworking, painting, sewing, electronics, and more.


Destresser : Most  hobbies  and  pursuits  are  immersive  in  nature  helping  fight stress  and  anxiety .

They are there  to  relax one’s  mind  and  take  away  worries and  sharpen  up ones  orientation  .If  one feels  forever  tagged  with  stress  this  is  the  best  way to  divert  all  of  that .     

Cost-saving: DIY projects often involve creating or repairing things instead of buying them, which can help save money. By learning to fix or create items, individuals can avoid unnecessary expenses and even turn their hobby into a money-saving endeavor.

Customization & personalization: DIY projects allow individuals to customize items according to their preferences and needs. Whether it's designing personalized gifts or creating unique home decor, DIY projects offer the opportunity to express one's individuality and create something truly unique.

Environmental consciousness: Refurbishing recycling  repurposing or upcycling materials helps  mother  nature  breathe  a  sigh  of  relief  as  that’s  where  individual  has  his/her  hand  involved  in  saving  the  earth  and  environment , promoting  sustainability and reducing  waste. It allows individuals to contribute to environmental conservation by reusing items that might otherwise end up in landfills.

Connecting node: When  the  others  share  similar  interest  its a cake  walk  connecting  with those  with  the  same  passion and then  there  are  DIY communities, workshops,  online forums that can  greatly  help  individuals meet like-minded people, share ideas, and learn from each other and  excel  and  turn  out to  be  the  most  sought  after  individual by  the  society .

I  can't be  wrong  when  I  reemphasize upon uniqueness of  DIY projects as a hobby and pursuit offering  a wide range of benefits, including personal satisfaction, skill development, stress relief, cost-saving, customization, environmental consciousness, and social connection and  it certainly  holds  true  when  you  can  handle all  of  this  or just in   parts   by yourself  then you  are  worth  your  salt  because  as  long as  you  can  create something  new  altogether  or  bring  back  to  life  anything  having  gone defunct ,unshapely ,inoperable  dead  or  clumsy;you  are  the cost saving  master craftsman .Hats offto you if  you  are one already !    


So  here  is  where  it  concludes but while  I  am at it  let  me  thank you  all  for your valuable time for stopping to browse by these blogs so until next time.

Ciao  from your

Blogbuddy @


Blogbuddy @ 


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