Saturday, August 12, 2023

Hobbies & pursuits,Part-X Volunteering

Be a volunteer, be an outstanding Human!

Here’s what the Cambridge Dictionary defines the word “Volunteer “as: To offer to do something that you do not have to do, often withouthaving been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment

You are on your toes  most part  of  the  day ,time for  you  is  such  a  precious  commodity you are  mostly  in  a  grind  and the    time  just  flies  by  every  other  day giving  you  no  opportunity  to  contribute  to  the  society  you  belong  to .  Have  you  ever  sat down  to  ponder  if  a  little  of your  time  you  could  only  spare  in  volunteering  yourself  to do  where your  selfless act  will  have  a  recognition of  its  own  Within  the  community  of  your belonging  . People  even  lauding  you  for  your  efforts  in  helping  out  the  others  wanting  nothing  in  return  for  yourself  .Be  the “Giving” type  and  see how  you   will  have your  name  shine out  amongst  the  rest like  thousand  suns . I  know you have  been  moved  and  now  all  you  have  to  do  is to  give  back  to  the  society’s  worthwhile  causes  , help  and  reach  out  to  the  ones  who  have  no one to  lean  on  to  . Be the God’s extended arm.    

Remember  this  selfless  almost  divine  act  has  its  own  benefits aplenty . So  when  you  step out  of  that  door    squeeze  and  find  time  for  the  others  not so  privileged  in  your  locality ,You  ultimately  have  yourself developing  new skills, gaining  experience, and broadening  your  knowledge all  around . Helping you with your own personal growth, allowing yourself to self-improve even further  

Volunteering has a bag full  of great advantages ,and  they  in  a nutshell are:

Gives you a sense of achievement and purpose.:The act  of Volunteering unlike  any  other  feeling  gives  the  doer a   sense of purpose  beyond  words . It makes  you  outgoing  and  zealous by coming  to  the aid  of those  who  need  it the  most  Those without  a  family  or  friends  find  everything  in  you  and count  on  you  when  you  reach out  to  help  them  voluntarily .It not  only  helps  ward  off your worries ,it  also  does  stimulate  your  brain  Adults  in their  twilight years who  have  been  widowed  or the super  senior  citizens who are pensioned can help  others  and   find new meaning and direction in their lives  and  that can  help invigorate their  lives.

Helps you to feel yourself as part of a community.You  feel  yourself  belonging

to  the  community  you  come  from ,when  you  volunteer  and  chip  in  to do  anything for  a  worthwhile  cause .You  create  a  niche  for yourself  and  leave  indelible impression of yourself  and  people respect  and  laud  you  for  your  efforts .Act  of  volunteering  makes  you  a  hero .A  little  of  anything  done  by  you  goes  a  long  way  in  redefining  the  word “ Humanity “ and   brings  about  a  real  difference  in the  lives  of  so  many  around  you  .Be  it  the  lives  of  people or  even  animals  and the pets we so adore  and  love .When  you  make  yourself  available for  a  voluntary cause  you  have  friends  adding in  numbers thereby  wide spreading  your  own social  fabric  helping  you  to  specialize  further  for  a  good  cause for  whenever  whatever  it takes  to be  the  one who  can  be  relied  upon  by  others  and by  the  volunteering  organization  alike ,giving  you a   Sense of purpose and fulfillment  in  . It allows you  to contribute to causes you  care about and make a positive impact on society. This can significantly enhance your overall life bringing you bouquets of   satisfaction and happiness

Helps you share your talents, learn new skills Being  a  hobbyist  of  this  helps  greatly  in  honing  your  other  hiddeHelps you to improve your self-esteem and confidence.This  act of  volunteering  boosts  your  self-esteem making   you stand  out  from  the  ordinary  crowd  People  notice  you  and  that  aids  greatly  in   making  you  more and  more confident.  A Community needs such Heroes.  Your worth  is   invaluable when you  commit  to  the  cause  of  volunteering  and  helping  out others 

n  talents  .  You  tend  to  learn  newer  skills  as  you  take  up  challenges  in  a  life  situation .  You  end  up  better  prepared  to  tackle  odds  at  any given  time  and   that’s something  a  very few  of  us  are  capable  of  .Your  courage  is for  others  to  see  when  in  a  demanding  situation  you  don’t  back  out  but  always there  as  a  pillar of  strength  for  others .  

Increased empathy and perspective: Volunteering exposes individuals to different communities, cultures, and issues. It helps develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by others. This broader perspective can lead to personal growth and a more compassionate outlook on life.

Helps build your social network and  make friends Volunteering  opens up  door for you  to  easily  reach out and make  new  friends  widen  up  your  horizon and  lets  you  see  life in  a new perspective When you engage you  have  your  friends  sharing  and  joining   their  hands together in  accomplishing  the  same  task with  ease  .As  you  do  that  your  relationship  keep  fortifying itself. You will  never  be  short  of friends who  will  be  your chums  for  a  life  time  cause  you  are   by  yourself  and  that  trait  is  extraordinarily unique  than  the  rest as  the  very  act  of  volunteering  to  me  is divine  in  nature. Like  I  already  said volunteering often involves working with others towards a common goal. It provides an opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and build social connections. This can help combat feelings of loneliness and enhance overall well-being.   

Improved mental and physical health: Studies have shown that volunteering can have positive effects on mental and physical health. It can reduce stress levels, combat depression, and improve overall well-being. Engaging in volunteer activities that involve physical activity, such as environmental clean-ups or building projects, can also contribute to better physical fitness

Helps expand your resume. ...While  one  may  be  volunteering  for  certain  causes  here  and  there  but  ultimately  this  act  is  furthering  your  resume  and finding   jobs  for  you  won’t  be  difficult  as  your  act  is  drawing  attention  of  the
well  placed  agencies  taking  notice  of  you  and realizing  your  worth  and  adding  you  as  their  asset  in  an   organizational   tree if  ever  you  desire  to apply to them  for  a  job .It  can  help  advance  your  Career  goals .Another  plus  side  to it  that  it  allows  for  seeking  fresh opportunities to develop new skills or enhance existing ones. It can also serve as valuable experience to include on a resume or in job interviews, showcasing a commitment to community involvement and social responsibility

Personal growth: Volunteering allows individuals to develop new skills, gain experience, and broaden their knowledge in various areas. It can help with personal growth and self-improvement.

Conclusively volunteering as a hobby and pursuit can bring numerous benefits to individuals, communities, and society as a whole. It is a rewarding and meaningful way to spend time, make a difference, and grow personally.

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Ciao  from your

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