Hobbies & pursuits,Part-VI "Painting & Drawing"
My last blog had me mentioning to you about "Painting and drawing" as one of the hobbies and pursuits and by heavens this one truly deserves much respect for all of its plus goodnesses like the other already talked off hobbies in previous parts . People say this one comes to few of those who are god gifted but I would rather disagree because each one of us has a unique talent or ability to do things . If we leaf through the pages of 26th century an era that gave rise to Henri Rousseau, and shortly thereafter, Vincent van Gogh. The latter receiving very little formal training, though he had years of experience in the art world; Rousseau may have received none at all. Many of today’s painters artists -come "SELF TAUGHT"and lest we forget we have known through the passage of time that the humans have been making art since the dawn of time, often with little education in materials, techniques, or theory, yet the notion of the “self-taught artist” is a relatively new phenomenon. In order to create art outside of the traditional channels, after all, you first need to create those traditional channels by which we typically mean the established schools and academies that codify art education into defined standards and practices. And in the West, that history largely began in 1635 with the Academia Françoise, which radically professionalized the art field.
The untrained art-makers that follow, all from the last 150 years, succeeded in making their mark with little or no art school guidance. However I am here to blog about innumerable benefits this field can offer to those who choose to swear by it . What it benefits us with is blogged as you continue reading it till the end herein below :
Creativity and self-expression: Painting and drawing awakens the creative side of you letting you tap your creativity aiding you to express your thoughts, emotions, and ideas visually on a piece of paper canvas drawing board etc. It’s vibe so intense that it buzzes by itself without ushering nothing of nothingness except creativity where words don’t matter much.
Stress relief and relaxation: Like all of the other sisterly hobbies Painting and drawing has proven to be a great relaxant and de-stressor .Get engaged to know for yourself as to how it lets you orientate easily shrugging worries and other concerns off like only a magical pill can.
Enhanced focus and deep concentration: Hobbyists of this require concentration and focus on details, which can enhance their ability to concentrate and pay attention to details in other areas of life. With a razor sharp mind.
Enhanced problem-solving skills: You may have experienced in earnest how artistic pursuits often involve problem-solving skill sets such as determining color combinations, composition, and techniques. I may be right in saying in the case of those already knowing how to paint and draw that this particular hobby might have had helped you to develop problem-solving skills like no others , as making decisions and finding creative solutions when you end up tapping it to the core comes as easily as snapping your finger
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