Sunday, August 6, 2023

Hobbies & pursuits,Part-VI "Painting & Drawing"

My last  blog had  me  mentioning  to  you  about  "Painting and drawing" as one  of the  hobbies and pursuits and  by heavens  this  one  truly  deserves  much  respect   for  all  of  its  plus  goodnesses like  the  other  already  talked  off  hobbies  in  previous  parts . People  say  this  one  comes  to  few  of  those  who  are  god gifted  but  I  would  rather  disagree  because  each  one  of  us  has  a  unique  talent  or  ability  to  do  things . If we leaf through the pages of 26th century an era that gave rise to Henri Rousseau, and shortly thereafter, Vincent van Gogh. The latter receiving very little formal training, though he had years of experience in the art world; Rousseau may have received none at all. Many  of  today’s painters  artists   -come "SELF  TAUGHT"and lest  we  forget  we  have  known  through  the  passage  of  time  that  the  humans have been making art since the dawn of time, often with little education in materials, techniques, or theory, yet the notion of the “self-taught artist” is a relatively new phenomenon. In order to create art outside of the traditional channels, after all, you first need to create those traditional channels by which we typically mean the established schools and academies that codify art education into defined standards and practices. And in the West, that history largely began in 1635 with the Academia Françoise, which radically professionalized the art field.

The untrained art-makers that follow, all from the last 150 years, succeeded in making their mark with little or no art school guidance. However  I  am  here  to  blog  about  innumerable    benefits  this  field  can  offer  to  those  who  choose  to   swear  by  it . What it benefits us with is   blogged  as  you  continue  reading    it till  the  end  herein  below :

Creativity and self-expression: Painting and drawing awakens  the  creative  side  of  you  letting  you tap  your  creativity aiding  you  to   express your  thoughts, emotions, and ideas visually on  a  piece  of paper  canvas  drawing  board  etc. It’s  vibe  so  intense  that  it  buzzes  by  itself  without  ushering  nothing  of  nothingness  except  creativity   where  words don’t  matter  much.

Stress relief and relaxation: Like  all  of  the  other  sisterly  hobbies  Painting  and  drawing  has  proven  to  be a great  relaxant  and  de-stressor .Get  engaged  to  know  for  yourself as to  how  it  lets  you  orientate  easily  shrugging  worries  and  other  concerns  off  like  only a  magical  pill can.

Enhanced focus and deep concentration: Hobbyists  of  this  require concentration and focus on details, which can enhance their   ability to concentrate and pay attention to details in other areas of life. With a razor sharp mind.

Enhanced problem-solving skills: You may have experienced in earnest how artistic pursuits often involve problem-solving skill sets  such as determining color combinations, composition, and techniques. I may  be  right  in  saying in the  case  of  those  already  knowing  how  to  paint  and  draw  that this  particular  hobby   might  have  had  helped you  to  develop  problem-solving skills  like  no  others , as making  decisions and finding  creative solutions  when you  end  up  tapping  it  to  the  core comes as  easily  as   snapping your   finger 

Increased self-confidence: For  hobbyists  of this  it  helps  to  let  them  explore    and develop   their artistic skills, boosting    their  self-confidence in  return    thus making    them  bolder  than  the  rest  in  facing  the  odds  Accolades  pats  and  kudos  to   their artwork  with  positive feedback  also  serves  to  enhance individual’s  self-worth and belief in his/her  abilities
Mindfulness and mindfulness-based practices: Engaging in painting and drawing can be a form of mindfulness, as individuals focus on the present moment, their senses, and the act of creating. This can promote relaxation, self-awareness, and overall well-being.

Improved hand-eye coordination: Painting and drawing require hand-eye coordination, as individuals translate their thoughts and ideas onto paper or canvas. Regular practice can enhance this coordination and fine tune motor skills.

Personal growth and self-discovery: Through painting and drawing, individuals can explore their interests, preferences, and artistic style. It can be a journey of self-discovery, allowing individuals to learn more about themselves and their artistic abilities.

Social connections and community: Painting and drawing can bring people together, whether through art classes, workshops, or online communities. It provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from others.

Enjoyment and fulfillment: Ultimately, painting and drawing as hobbies and pursuits can bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment. It allows individuals to engage in a creative activity that they enjoy, leading to overall happiness and well-being.

With this I have to conclude that the benefits of painting and drawing may vary from person to person. Some individuals may find it therapeutic, while others may simply enjoy the process and the end result. Oh  heavens  tell  you what  I  was in  the  middle  of  reading  a  novel   but  wanted this blog epilogued first and  go  back to it later before  my  afternoon  siesta . It  sort  of  made for  an interesting   read though nevertheless this came up but I  think  reading books papers magazines is  what  everyone  of  us  loves . With that said I  must  lay emphasis on “reading”  too  which is  one  of  the  greatest hobby  and  pursuits to  which most of  us are  addicted to  like  some  potion of  joy  and  delight

Another   write  up  lined up to  come  up  later  is  gonna be all about  “Reading”, which in a way  does  pack a mighty punch ! Doesn’t it?  as it offers innumerable   benefits  to the  ones  who  brace   it as  a  hobby and  pursuit  .  And  yes  before  I  wind  up  I do  hope these little snippets on Hobbies & Pursuits must be of some  interest  if  not  wholly   atleast  partially. Thanks greatly for your valuable time for stopping to browse by these blogs so until next time.

Ciao  from your

Blogbuddy @

Blogbuddy @ aka

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