Monday, August 7, 2023

"Hobbies & pursuits"Part-VII Reading 

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.”

George R.R. Martin

The person who deserves most pity is a lonesome one on a rainy day who doesn’t know how to read.”

Benjamin Franklin 

Aren’t  these  and some  of  the  other  quotes  we  often  come  across   are  inspirational  enough  to  take  up a step forward  in to  embracing  and  end  up being  a   stickler  of  books and   just go  reading   and   reading   and  begin  an  unforgettable    journey like  multitudes  of  people  who in the  past  and  present   have  been  inspired  to  do  something  different  , shape  up societies expand  their  horizon  of  wisdom &  knowledge or  simply   decided   to  go on  escapades  to another new  worlds.   Past centuries have  witnessed  how  reading  has    helped  the  mankind  bring  about  sea  change  to  our  cultures,  and our way  of  thinking at large.

Belonging  to this  world  means  one  must  read if  one  has to  sustain and  survive  .How  so because  reading  is  akin to  air  we  breathe  . Without reading  perhaps or    be  left  without    books  to  read  we  might end  up  being  bunch  of  stupids  looking  for  answers  with  nowhere  to  go .    Today everything  appears  profound , notably transformed  because  mankind  cared  to  read  and  understand  and  distinguish  between  the  bizarre  and  strange  because  of  the  books  that helped .  Transpiring enough  knowledge  to  better  understand  leaves  the  reader  well  informed  of  all  things  past  and  present  . Books  indeed  are  a  blessing  and  reading  them  is  a  bliss  . Every book one reads leaves the individual gain knowledge.

“The man who does not read good books is no better than the man who can’t.”

Mark Twain 

Amongst  others  ,Reading  is  one  hobby  and  pursuit   that  stands out  because  it’s  so  magical  that  every time  a   book  is  touched or  picked up  to  be  read  the  words  written  within  rub-off  against  the  reader profiting  his  wisdom  and  knowledge   in  return .  It  is  difficult to  ascertain as  there  are  many   but  some  of  the  grandiose  benefits  it  delivers to  the  hobbyists are: 

Leaves you to be a Learned & Knowledgeable being: It helps expand  knowledge base and keeps the  reader  abreast  of  the  latest  in   present  affairs not  to  forget  that  there  is  heaps  of  knowledgeable  treasure  to  scoop  out   . Every  subject  offers  the  reader  with  knowledge  by  brushing  up  his/her  intellectual quotient . Varied  range  of  subjects  which  may  include  reading fiction, non-fiction, or even news articles, polishes   the  reader to be smarter  than  the rest  who  may be with  little  or  no  knowledge  or  simply  less  informed  and  not  conversant  with  the  subject  because  they  prefer  to be  either ignorant or  reading  knowledgeable  subjects  is not  in  their  stride  and  does not  evoke  any  interest

Be a wordsmith and a Linguistic Pro :Coining  words  phrases  sentences comes  easy when  you  read  articles  and varied  subjects  as  a daily   habit  making  it  a  hobby  or your  second nature  because  reading  greatly helps  improve  one’s  vocabulary and  language skills,  adding  endless bytes  of  knowledgeable  database within  one’s  own brain matter A  good reader  always  shines  out  amongst  a  horde  of   others  because  of  their  being  on  a  higher  tangent  owing  to  their  constant  reading  habits  enhancing  their  written  and  verbal   prowess .People  who  read  well  are  better  communicators and  can  ably convey  what  needs  said  or  spoken  without  causing confusion.

Mental Stimulant : Want  to  tickle  and  tease  your  brain  then  pick  up  a book  of  knowledge and  read  it   through   and  make  it  a  routine  and   do  so  every  other  day   and  find  how  your  brain  feels  stimulated  because  ultimately  you  will  end  up  talking  all  things  knowledgeable in  the  end .This  one  is  a  stimulator  of  brain for  sure keeping  brain  all  hooked  up  and wired  to  grid  of  intellectuality    preventing its cognitive declination . What  it  does  in  the  end  is  wonderful  when  it leaves  the  reader sharp in  mind  and better   focused   improving  concentration   enhancing  memorization  abilities . Regular reading does   enhance critical thinking and problem-solving abilities too and it’s so very true 

Stress cleaver : Wish  to  cleave  off  that  stressing  ghost  tailing  you  every  now  and  then  heed  me when  I  say  to start  your reading  journey  cause  that’s  a  great way to relax and unwind. It helps  bust  stress off with  ease   rather  cleave it  off  like  chunks  of  meat  sparing  you  off  any  anxiety  by  taking your mind off those  nagging  worries. Do find escapade in a good book  that   can provide ascension  to  another  world   from  the  haunting   reality you are  in  and have yourself offered a much-needed break  with  no pennies  to  lose

Empathy and Understandability: Fictional themes evoke empathy  allowing  the  reader  to feel  emotions  the  way  characters  are  cast  within  the  pages  of  those  books  even making the  reader   don  on  their  sheath of  skin  to  experience  their  ongoing  thoughts  and  hurdles  as  if  the  fiction  is  born  to  life . This garners  empathy and understanding towards others, making the reader   more humane  and  kind  to  others tribulations  and  struggles  leading  to  his/her  to  be  compassionate and open-minded.

Transformative  at  best  : It  leads  to  a  transformative experience  exposing  the  reader   to different perspectives, cultures, and life experiences. It broadens horizons and helps develop a better-rounded worldview. It aids in personal growth and self-reflection.

Entertainer & Escapist not only it provides entertainment and sense of   escapism. It allows to immerse oneself in captivating stories, exciting adventures, and intriguing mysteries. It can be a source of joy, entertainment, and relaxation

Catalyst  of Hyper Creativity and wild  Imagining : Your  imagination  takes  a  wild  leap  and  starts   galloping    like  wild  horses  when  you  began to read   day  in  and  night  out as  it acts  as  some  sort  of  stimulant  and   awakens  your  creative  side  to  its  maximum transporting  you  to  fantasical  realms  You  imagination  gives birth  to  characters  with  whom  you  can  converse  with  .It  knows  no  bounds  and  keeps  getting  fueled  the  more  you immerse  yourself  in  reading  varied  topics  of  interest the  more  of  the  characters  keep  surfing out  ; leaving  the  reader  inspired  and  letting  him  weave yarns  of  imagination  in   creating  sub scenes  sub  sets  of  the  same  topics  at  times  and  enjoying  the  same  to  the fullest as  if  it  were  a  theatre  he  created  and  he  is  the  audience  interacting  alongside .And  that  inspires  many  a  readers  to  evolve  in  to  story  tellers novelists or poets

So  there  it  is  for  us  to  see  how  reading   as a hobby and pursuit offers a  bag  full  of  goodies  benefiting  the reader in  acquiring   knowledge stimulating  his/her  mind cutting  on  stress , developing  his/her empathy and giving  room  for  personal growth. This activity   is fulfilling and enriching that promises to   enhance various aspects of your life.

What creased   my  mind  at  this  hour  of  blogging  is  that  I  was  kinda  trying  something  on  my  own  avoiding  any  labor  costs  and  saving  a  few  bucks  on   one  of  my  own DIY  project  .As it  turns  out  I  was  supposed  to   jot  down a  few  of  those  benefits this DIY  hobby  and  pursuit thing  has  to  offer . So  without  much  ado  look  out  for  my  upcoming blog  on  DIY  where  I  am  going  to  tell  you  all  about some of  the greaest benefits  one  can  derive  from  the   commonest  of  common  DIY projects  such as woodworking, knitting,tailoring, or home improvement, which  in   a way   impart  new skills and lets  the  doer   create something with their  own hands.

Though  it  may  sound  monotonous  but I  gotta  ask you  in  earnest before  I  wind  up with  this  to  embark  upon  my  another  blog whether  these little snippets on Hobbies & Pursuits are of   any  interest  as  a  whole or  in   parts . Do  let  me  know how  am I  faring   so  far . Nevertheless thanks greatly for your valuable time for stopping to browse by these blogs so until next time.

Ciao  from your

Blogbuddy @ aka

Blogbuddy @ 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Hobbies & pursuits,Part-VI "Painting & Drawing"

My last  blog had  me  mentioning  to  you  about  "Painting and drawing" as one  of the  hobbies and pursuits and  by heavens  this  one  truly  deserves  much  respect   for  all  of  its  plus  goodnesses like  the  other  already  talked  off  hobbies  in  previous  parts . People  say  this  one  comes  to  few  of  those  who  are  god gifted  but  I  would  rather  disagree  because  each  one  of  us  has  a  unique  talent  or  ability  to  do  things . If we leaf through the pages of 26th century an era that gave rise to Henri Rousseau, and shortly thereafter, Vincent van Gogh. The latter receiving very little formal training, though he had years of experience in the art world; Rousseau may have received none at all. Many  of  today’s painters  artists   -come "SELF  TAUGHT"and lest  we  forget  we  have  known  through  the  passage  of  time  that  the  humans have been making art since the dawn of time, often with little education in materials, techniques, or theory, yet the notion of the “self-taught artist” is a relatively new phenomenon. In order to create art outside of the traditional channels, after all, you first need to create those traditional channels by which we typically mean the established schools and academies that codify art education into defined standards and practices. And in the West, that history largely began in 1635 with the Academia Françoise, which radically professionalized the art field.

The untrained art-makers that follow, all from the last 150 years, succeeded in making their mark with little or no art school guidance. However  I  am  here  to  blog  about  innumerable    benefits  this  field  can  offer  to  those  who  choose  to   swear  by  it . What it benefits us with is   blogged  as  you  continue  reading    it till  the  end  herein  below :

Creativity and self-expression: Painting and drawing awakens  the  creative  side  of  you  letting  you tap  your  creativity aiding  you  to   express your  thoughts, emotions, and ideas visually on  a  piece  of paper  canvas  drawing  board  etc. It’s  vibe  so  intense  that  it  buzzes  by  itself  without  ushering  nothing  of  nothingness  except  creativity   where  words don’t  matter  much.

Stress relief and relaxation: Like  all  of  the  other  sisterly  hobbies  Painting  and  drawing  has  proven  to  be a great  relaxant  and  de-stressor .Get  engaged  to  know  for  yourself as to  how  it  lets  you  orientate  easily  shrugging  worries  and  other  concerns  off  like  only a  magical  pill can.

Enhanced focus and deep concentration: Hobbyists  of  this  require concentration and focus on details, which can enhance their   ability to concentrate and pay attention to details in other areas of life. With a razor sharp mind.

Enhanced problem-solving skills: You may have experienced in earnest how artistic pursuits often involve problem-solving skill sets  such as determining color combinations, composition, and techniques. I may  be  right  in  saying in the  case  of  those  already  knowing  how  to  paint  and  draw  that this  particular  hobby   might  have  had  helped you  to  develop  problem-solving skills  like  no  others , as making  decisions and finding  creative solutions  when you  end  up  tapping  it  to  the  core comes as  easily  as   snapping your   finger 

Increased self-confidence: For  hobbyists  of this  it  helps  to  let  them  explore    and develop   their artistic skills, boosting    their  self-confidence in  return    thus making    them  bolder  than  the  rest  in  facing  the  odds  Accolades  pats  and  kudos  to   their artwork  with  positive feedback  also  serves  to  enhance individual’s  self-worth and belief in his/her  abilities
Mindfulness and mindfulness-based practices: Engaging in painting and drawing can be a form of mindfulness, as individuals focus on the present moment, their senses, and the act of creating. This can promote relaxation, self-awareness, and overall well-being.

Improved hand-eye coordination: Painting and drawing require hand-eye coordination, as individuals translate their thoughts and ideas onto paper or canvas. Regular practice can enhance this coordination and fine tune motor skills.

Personal growth and self-discovery: Through painting and drawing, individuals can explore their interests, preferences, and artistic style. It can be a journey of self-discovery, allowing individuals to learn more about themselves and their artistic abilities.

Social connections and community: Painting and drawing can bring people together, whether through art classes, workshops, or online communities. It provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from others.

Enjoyment and fulfillment: Ultimately, painting and drawing as hobbies and pursuits can bring joy, fulfillment, and a sense of accomplishment. It allows individuals to engage in a creative activity that they enjoy, leading to overall happiness and well-being.

With this I have to conclude that the benefits of painting and drawing may vary from person to person. Some individuals may find it therapeutic, while others may simply enjoy the process and the end result. Oh  heavens  tell  you what  I  was in  the  middle  of  reading  a  novel   but  wanted this blog epilogued first and  go  back to it later before  my  afternoon  siesta . It  sort  of  made for  an interesting   read though nevertheless this came up but I  think  reading books papers magazines is  what  everyone  of  us  loves . With that said I  must  lay emphasis on “reading”  too  which is  one  of  the  greatest hobby  and  pursuits to  which most of  us are  addicted to  like  some  potion of  joy  and  delight

Another   write  up  lined up to  come  up  later  is  gonna be all about  “Reading”, which in a way  does  pack a mighty punch ! Doesn’t it?  as it offers innumerable   benefits  to the  ones  who  brace   it as  a  hobby and  pursuit  .  And  yes  before  I  wind  up  I do  hope these little snippets on Hobbies & Pursuits must be of some  interest  if  not  wholly   atleast  partially. Thanks greatly for your valuable time for stopping to browse by these blogs so until next time.

Ciao  from your

Blogbuddy @

Blogbuddy @ aka

Saturday, August 5, 2023

”Hobbies & pursuit,Part-V “Photography

Now here is the art rather practice of taking and processing photographs. we know  as” Photography” which  has  plethora  of benefits  to  offer to  the individuals  who  choose to  go  with it and  it  is  widely  accepted  as  the  go  to  hobby  and  pursuit  amongst  others  being  uniquely  distinct requiring  little  knowledge  of the  subject  to  begin  with  and  polishing  the  art   of  becoming  a master   with  the  passing  of years  and constant  learning . Some of the golden   benefits it offers to the    hobbyists are highlighted here under:

Stress Buster : Find  Photography  to  help you  unwind  and   relieve you  off  your  nagging  worries  all  in a  flash  .It’s  easy to  disengage  from  the  outside  completely  and  be  in  love  with  yourself  with  your  camera  in  hand  and  the groovy   environs  around  you. Go  on  a  shooting spree  and  let  that  worrying  factor make  its  disappearance  for  good   Help  yourself  immerse  in  the  present  moment  and  cherish  it  as  you   become  a  part  of  it  with all caught  on  camera  for  you  to  see  afterwards  and  rejoice  how  good  a  stress  buster “Photography” can be  .Let  camera  do  its  part  and  catch  all things  beautiful  for  you  to  feel  happy  and    blessed   and also to  remind  you  to  be  one  with the  nature  God  and  the  therapeutic  hand  it can  offer  in  times  of  stress . While you  are  at  it  you  know  too well  what  it  takes  to  focus ,compose  choose  the  right  light, and  the  subject matter which  in a way  embalms  your  simmering  side  exuding  a  touch of   calmness whenever  the  “Photography” comes  to  your  mind .


Fastidiousness&Understanding : This  is  one  hobby  that  surely  does  help  in  encouraging the  hobbyist  to  keenly  observe evaluate and appreciate the beauty in and around their immediate  environment . It further stimulates senses of the hobbyist to  dig up  subjects  of  interest  for   self  and  the  others  alike paying  attention to finest  of   details, and find beauty even amidst the most ordinary of worldly  things  . It helps people develop a deeper understanding and greater appreciation for the world they belong to.

Memory Cherisher : Photography allows hobbyists   to capture moments which  may otherwise get  lost or could  or  would have  gotten  lost  in  time  save  for the  advent  of  camera for  it  allows  for  retaining  all  of that  it  sees  through  its  lens eye creating everlasting imprints  of unforgettable  memories.

By documenting important events, people, and places, photography helps individuals record their personal history and share it with the others. Traversing  back  in  time  peering  at  these pictures  helps  evoke mind  of  the  individual bringing  back   sense  of  nostalgia  and  a  flood  of   fond  memories 

Yet another universal language: I must tell you Imust tell you this one hobby knows no universal restrictions as far as spoken languages or  the  expressions they  come with as  it is more of   a universal language that easily is able  to transcend cultural and language and  any  known or  unknown barriers. Pictures speak for themselves.

One  can  be  fromany  corner  of the  world  but if the  language  is  any  hurdle n between  the photography helps connect.It enables individuals to connect with others by sharing their photographs and stories. Photographs can evoke emotions, spark conversations, and foster connections between people.

Self-discovery: One  tends  to  go beyond  pushing  boundaries  when  an  act  involves  Photographing  it  leads  to  discovering your  very  self  .You  just  don’t  want to  stop at  nothing  cause  you have  a  wonderful  gadget  for  you  to  explore  all  things  old  and  interest  never takes  a  back  seat  cause  life  comes  bundled  with  so  many  sides  to  it .  Now  didn’t  I  tell  how  great a  booster of  confidence this one  is ,letting  you improve your self-expression, leaving back a sense of accomplishment every  time  you  hold  and capture life  in  its  different  moods .

Exploration and adventure: This is one of the hobby which easily  quite  too  often motivates individuals to explore  the  unknowns  , seek out rarest  of  rare   subjects, and venture out  into unfamiliar realms . It encourages people to step out of their comfort zones, discover new perspectives, and embrace adventure. Photography can be a catalyst for travel and exploration.

Creative expression: Photography allows hobbyists to express their creativity and capture their unique perspective of the world. It encourages them to think outside the box, experiment with different techniques, and showcase their artistic vision.


Skill set maker: Pursuing  this  hobby  helps  individuals  develop various skills  as   this  hobby is all about composition lighting  editing  and  technical  aspects, what it aids  the  hobbyist  with  is  visual awareness, attention to finer detail, and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to learn about different cultures, history, and the natural world.


Hey  but  wait  a  sec  I  think I  heard  my  kitty  just  tripping over    and  now  I  gotta  go  and  tidy  up  the  mess  she  made  perhaps  with  brushes   paints  and  the  palette  lying  around  on  the  floor cause  that  room  is  next  to  where I  sit  mostly  enjoying  my steaming  hot cuppa coffee  writing  blogs  on & off the grid  and  I  think  this  mess  reminds  me  of  a  subject  I  nearly  forgot  blogging  about   and  this  is  one    closer than  most  to  my  heart   than   my  sweet heart   but  every  one  of  you  who  is  a  painter  or  an  artist it’s  something  you   guys   wait it  out  for as  my upcoming blog  on ,’Painting  &  Drawing  “ will  be  coming  up  shortly   And  yes  before  I  wind  up   I do  hope these little snippets on Hobbies & Pursuits must be riveting if  not  the  whole  of  it  atleast  a  wee bit    Thanks greatly for your valuable time for stopping to browse by these blogs so until next time.

Ciao for now from your

Blogbuddy @

Blogbuddy @ aka


Friday, August 4, 2023

 Hobbies & pursuits,Part-IV "Travelling"

Travelling  as  a  hobby & pursuit  can  help  individuals immensely as  the  very  word  combines  exploring  places  seeking  adventurism deriving  not  only  heavenly  pleasures  but also  merging  likeminded  souls to come and live  together  and  best  of  all  it  also  is  a  way  to  making  livelihood  for  many .Travelling  helps individuals  open up to  new  vistas  new  ideas &  get  more  creative .Some  of  the  very  important  reasons  as  to  how  does  travelling helps  individuals  is excerpted  below:

Learning New Vistas : Travel  offers numerous learning opportunities. Whether it's visiting museums, historical sites, or engaging in local traditions, travellers can gain knowledge about various subjects. This newfound knowledge can be applied to hobbies like history, archaeology, or even language learning.

Broadens perspectives: Travel exposes individuals to different cultures, traditions, and ways of life. This broadens their perspectives and helps them gain a deeper understanding of the world. This exposure can be beneficial for hobbies such as photography, writing, or painting, as it provides a wealth of inspiration and new subject matter.

Teaming up & Collabrating : Travelling allows individuals to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures. This can create fresh  new  opportunities when likeminded  people set  out  to explore  other horizons  of hobbies and pursuits. For example, connecting with local artists, musicians, or enthusiasts in specific fields can lead to collaborations, knowledge exchange, and even career opportunities.
Personal growth and self-discovery: Traveling often involves stepping out of one's comfort zone and facing new challenges. This can lead to personal growth and self-discovery. Engaging in hobbies and pursuits while traveling can help individuals push their boundaries, gain confidence, and discover new skills or interests they might not have explored otherwise.

Adventure and outdoor activities: Many hobbies and pursuits involve outdoor activities and adventure. Travelling to different destinations allows individuals to engage in various outdoor pursuits such as hiking, skiing, scuba diving, or rock climbing. Exploring new landscapes and natural wonders can enhance these hobbies and provide unique experiences
Stress relief and relaxation: Traveling can provide a much-needed break from daily routines and responsibilities. Engaging in hobbies and pursuits while on vacation or traveling for leisure can offer stress relief and relaxation. Whether it's reading a book on a beach, practicing yoga in a serene location, or simply exploring a new city, traveling can help individuals unwind and rejuvenate

Conclusively it  can  be  said  that   traveling  a  lot  turns  out  to be  highly beneficial for hobbies and pursuits. It offers new experiences, inspiration, learning opportunities, networking possibilities, personal growth, and relaxation. Whether it's exploring new cultures, engaging in outdoor activities, or finding inspiration for creative pursuits, traveling can greatly enhance one's hobbies and pursuits.

Ciao for now from your

Blogbuddy @

Blogbuddy @ aka

Have a blast cutting loose to the beat in your own unique way!

  Hobbies & Pursuits Part XLVII   Freestyling         What   freestyling   ibasically is   ? Freestyling is a fun, creative dance ...