Saturday, August 20, 2022

Living by the Coastline

Living by the Coastline

As the first light of dawn slowly trickles through  the green hills, crossing over the lush verdant  fields, bringing in a soft bluish green hue to the still water of the lakes and ponds and finally meandering towards the coastline, one is clearly able to see around , the dewdrops glitter akin to  tiny beads of jewels on almost everything . At this blissful  time around  when  we   happen to traverse to the shore  where  the   sea  meets   coast   to   coast ,  finding  our feet in for a treat as the soft cool sand caresses the   tender   soles with  the urge to   wade  in and soak  all  that  feels   salty. The Gods of the Sea know  what  it  feels    , when  the   water wets  feet  ;  irresistibly wanting  you to immerse  your entire  self  to  feel the bountiful  nature   up  close  and  so  very  near. There is a sense of togetherness, a different hue painted to the sky shimmering itself in the cool calming still waters of the morning and the  soulful  sea. Fringing the beach & its surrounds one finds   the  coconut trees to be still with their majestic fronds awakening  motionless to the call of the morning breeze  so  pleasant  making  you  feel  God touched  his  Hand  unto  you . Eyes do  not  miss few of  those  birds  up and about, welcoming the morning sun and its  rays doing  peek-a-boo  through the lush fronds making their way to the cool sea water and there one sees the Almighty Creator dipping his brush into the palette; painting a bright yellowish tinge to the blue green waters of the bountiful Sea. The Sun is then slowly seen journeying skywards   making    the mist disappear with its brightness and warmth. Soft rays of the sun bathe  down the earth as  far  as  the  eyes  can  see  in  to the far horizon   transforming  the dark night into a beautiful sunny morning.

Allow your Gaze to travel back to the      shore   and  what  is  seen  is  the  traditional fishing activity carried on  by the fishing community, who  go about doing their job   joyously  with  bubbling energy either humming a song or whistling  merry  making tunes  reminiscent  of  the  folklores. The catch is heaved up, consigned to bamboo baskets readied for shipment to the market or the factories. The nets are freed of all sea clutter and spread to dry in the morning sun before they are ready once again for the next fishing activity ;maybe later in the day or the next day.

The Dewy haze  is  seen  clearing  far in the distance  and  one can see other fishing boats and mechanized canoes out like  dots on the horizon and the sea gulls swooshing   down  taking  low  flights  converging in groups bobbing on the white foaming   sea , their light wings fluttering as they  greet   crests of   waves  upon  waves . The gentle rays of the sun warm the skin and the cool fresh salty tang of the sea breeze vitalizes senses like no other making one feel fresh & rejuvenated and ready to face the day and whatever it upholds. Luckily coastline dwellers are indeed blessed as they can experience the cool dawn of a new day as well, the cool orange sunset of a lovely evening or even the early caress of the dusk .The sea at all times is a thing of beauty which indeed is a joy forever.

By Maria  Gorette  Sequeira

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