The Essence of being a Woman
It’s rightly said that “The Hand that rocks the Cradle rules the World”. It is none other than the hand of the woman, whatever role she may play in the family, be it that of a mother, a wife, or a sister- and of course lest forgotten that of a woman undeniably the one who also happens to be a birth giver, the divine nurturer, a caregiver, bringing forth and raising up. She is the one on to whom her parents depend for understanding and succor in times of need, the one whom her spouse depends on, to bring up their wards morally, as well spiritually , on whose shoulder rests, his over riveted days of schedule, in seeking relaxation to unwind in to leisure times for him from his hectic grind , and whose soft and soothing hands can magically ward off the tiredness off his mind and aching body and soul . She is the one on to whom the children look up to; at all times. Times of sickness, it is the cool soothing touch of her hand on the fevered brow which the child feels in his state of delirium and sees his/her mother sit up to it , at all odd hours of the day or night till the monster of a ‘fever ‘resigns to the motherly healing touch, that is when she is certain that the child is out of danger and living day lights will shine on him again. She is the one patient enough sitting through the trials and tribulations of each hour through the life as they grow and enacts as a fair referee to the children’s quarrels in the house.This quiet, compassionate, understanding, patient, forgiving and epitome of sweet disposition that is a ‘ women’ have given us the best of doctors, nurses, teachers and various other professionals, not forgetting the woman who is a homemaker and a professional in her own right but who most of the time sadly goes unacknowledged.It is a point to wonder and ponder as to whenever one gets to hear of the woman being as a member of the weaker sex and the ponderings lead one to conclude that it may be the physical strength of the woman that is alluded to, or may be in the olden times when most of the women were homemakers and did not have the earning capacity, they were stereotyped into the weaker sex mold. But in reality, when faced with the hard facts and truths of life it is mostly seen that the woman picks up the threads and continues weaving the tapestry she has to in order to give life the continuance required. As the saying goes “When the going gets tough, the tough gets going” aptly applies, for instance, in the case of children orphaned early in life, or whenever, unfortunately a family loses their mother; it is always the sister who voluntarily takes up the reins of holding the family together. A widow left hapless with a brood of children will see that she will leave no stone unturned to see that her children are fed, educated and brought up to the best of her ability. In the case of a divorce, there again one will find most women seeking custody of their children and taking the responsibility of their upbringing and education singlehandedly Women, can no longer be considered, belonging to the weaker sex, but are an epitome of strength, love, responsibility, loyalty, selflessness and other great virtues. They are someone to look up to, idolize, cherish, and hold them in high esteem. They are the ones who rock the cradle and bring about strong and healthy future leaders and keeping this in mind, we must all strive to save the girl child by putting a stop to female infanticide, respect the modesty of women, give them their due respect in their homes and workplace, and strive to protect them curb crimes against women make our world a safe place for them ,so they beget healthy sons ,daughters ,fathers, mothers wives sisters .........thus making this world a place to call our very own. By Maria Gorette Sequeira