Saturday, August 12, 2023

Hobbies & pursuits,Part-X Volunteering

Be a volunteer, be an outstanding Human!

Here’s what the Cambridge Dictionary defines the word “Volunteer “as: To offer to do something that you do not have to do, often withouthaving been asked to do it and/or without expecting payment

You are on your toes  most part  of  the  day ,time for  you  is  such  a  precious  commodity you are  mostly  in  a  grind  and the    time  just  flies  by  every  other  day giving  you  no  opportunity  to  contribute  to  the  society  you  belong  to .  Have  you  ever  sat down  to  ponder  if  a  little  of your  time  you  could  only  spare  in  volunteering  yourself  to do  where your  selfless act  will  have  a  recognition of  its  own  Within  the  community  of  your belonging  . People  even  lauding  you  for  your  efforts  in  helping  out  the  others  wanting  nothing  in  return  for  yourself  .Be  the “Giving” type  and  see how  you   will  have your  name  shine out  amongst  the  rest like  thousand  suns . I  know you have  been  moved  and  now  all  you  have  to  do  is to  give  back  to  the  society’s  worthwhile  causes  , help  and  reach  out  to  the  ones  who  have  no one to  lean  on  to  . Be the God’s extended arm.    

Remember  this  selfless  almost  divine  act  has  its  own  benefits aplenty . So  when  you  step out  of  that  door    squeeze  and  find  time  for  the  others  not so  privileged  in  your  locality ,You  ultimately  have  yourself developing  new skills, gaining  experience, and broadening  your  knowledge all  around . Helping you with your own personal growth, allowing yourself to self-improve even further  

Volunteering has a bag full  of great advantages ,and  they  in  a nutshell are:

Gives you a sense of achievement and purpose.:The act  of Volunteering unlike  any  other  feeling  gives  the  doer a   sense of purpose  beyond  words . It makes  you  outgoing  and  zealous by coming  to  the aid  of those  who  need  it the  most  Those without  a  family  or  friends  find  everything  in  you  and count  on  you  when  you  reach out  to  help  them  voluntarily .It not  only  helps  ward  off your worries ,it  also  does  stimulate  your  brain  Adults  in their  twilight years who  have  been  widowed  or the super  senior  citizens who are pensioned can help  others  and   find new meaning and direction in their lives  and  that can  help invigorate their  lives.

Helps you to feel yourself as part of a community.You  feel  yourself  belonging

to  the  community  you  come  from ,when  you  volunteer  and  chip  in  to do  anything for  a  worthwhile  cause .You  create  a  niche  for yourself  and  leave  indelible impression of yourself  and  people respect  and  laud  you  for  your  efforts .Act  of  volunteering  makes  you  a  hero .A  little  of  anything  done  by  you  goes  a  long  way  in  redefining  the  word “ Humanity “ and   brings  about  a  real  difference  in the  lives  of  so  many  around  you  .Be  it  the  lives  of  people or  even  animals  and the pets we so adore  and  love .When  you  make  yourself  available for  a  voluntary cause  you  have  friends  adding in  numbers thereby  wide spreading  your  own social  fabric  helping  you  to  specialize  further  for  a  good  cause for  whenever  whatever  it takes  to be  the  one who  can  be  relied  upon  by  others  and by  the  volunteering  organization  alike ,giving  you a   Sense of purpose and fulfillment  in  . It allows you  to contribute to causes you  care about and make a positive impact on society. This can significantly enhance your overall life bringing you bouquets of   satisfaction and happiness

Helps you share your talents, learn new skills Being  a  hobbyist  of  this  helps  greatly  in  honing  your  other  hiddeHelps you to improve your self-esteem and confidence.This  act of  volunteering  boosts  your  self-esteem making   you stand  out  from  the  ordinary  crowd  People  notice  you  and  that  aids  greatly  in   making  you  more and  more confident.  A Community needs such Heroes.  Your worth  is   invaluable when you  commit  to  the  cause  of  volunteering  and  helping  out others 

n  talents  .  You  tend  to  learn  newer  skills  as  you  take  up  challenges  in  a  life  situation .  You  end  up  better  prepared  to  tackle  odds  at  any given  time  and   that’s something  a  very few  of  us  are  capable  of  .Your  courage  is for  others  to  see  when  in  a  demanding  situation  you  don’t  back  out  but  always there  as  a  pillar of  strength  for  others .  

Increased empathy and perspective: Volunteering exposes individuals to different communities, cultures, and issues. It helps develop empathy and a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by others. This broader perspective can lead to personal growth and a more compassionate outlook on life.

Helps build your social network and  make friends Volunteering  opens up  door for you  to  easily  reach out and make  new  friends  widen  up  your  horizon and  lets  you  see  life in  a new perspective When you engage you  have  your  friends  sharing  and  joining   their  hands together in  accomplishing  the  same  task with  ease  .As  you  do  that  your  relationship  keep  fortifying itself. You will  never  be  short  of friends who  will  be  your chums  for  a  life  time  cause  you  are   by  yourself  and  that  trait  is  extraordinarily unique  than  the  rest as  the  very  act  of  volunteering  to  me  is divine  in  nature. Like  I  already  said volunteering often involves working with others towards a common goal. It provides an opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and build social connections. This can help combat feelings of loneliness and enhance overall well-being.   

Improved mental and physical health: Studies have shown that volunteering can have positive effects on mental and physical health. It can reduce stress levels, combat depression, and improve overall well-being. Engaging in volunteer activities that involve physical activity, such as environmental clean-ups or building projects, can also contribute to better physical fitness

Helps expand your resume. ...While  one  may  be  volunteering  for  certain  causes  here  and  there  but  ultimately  this  act  is  furthering  your  resume  and finding   jobs  for  you  won’t  be  difficult  as  your  act  is  drawing  attention  of  the
well  placed  agencies  taking  notice  of  you  and realizing  your  worth  and  adding  you  as  their  asset  in  an   organizational   tree if  ever  you  desire  to apply to them  for  a  job .It  can  help  advance  your  Career  goals .Another  plus  side  to it  that  it  allows  for  seeking  fresh opportunities to develop new skills or enhance existing ones. It can also serve as valuable experience to include on a resume or in job interviews, showcasing a commitment to community involvement and social responsibility

Personal growth: Volunteering allows individuals to develop new skills, gain experience, and broaden their knowledge in various areas. It can help with personal growth and self-improvement.

Conclusively volunteering as a hobby and pursuit can bring numerous benefits to individuals, communities, and society as a whole. It is a rewarding and meaningful way to spend time, make a difference, and grow personally.

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Wednesday, August 9, 2023


Hobbies & pursuits,Part-IX


To  begin with  it’s  the  Dictionary  that  has  it’s  take  on  the  word  Music  and  says ,”vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. Well this wasn’t  the  precise answer  I  was  looking  for  so  I  had  to  sift  through go through  the  pages of  bygone times   to  see  how  it  came in to  being .

It  started  out  first  when  the  mankind  discovered  the  he  could  whistle mimicking  the  sounds  of  the  winds which  often  whistles  when  it  blows  violently  with heavy  gusts   hearing   the  sounds  of  the  winds  whistling  man  found  he could  exactly  mimic  it  the  way  it  should  be. Later  he  would  use  the  same  sound  to  shepherd  or  herd  around  his  livestock  or  scare   some  animals .And  then  the  others  joined  him  and  when  they  found out  that  together  it  was  more  pleasing  to  the  ears  they  went  on  to mimic  other  sounds and  thankfully   the  nature has  it all to  itself in abundant  offerings   so  the  mankind learnt  slowly  and   felt  entertained  in  doing  so  mimicking  sounds  of  water  beasts  birds  so on and  so  forth.

Music  as  we  know  is  how  one  creates   sounds  that  are  pleasant  and  listenable and  when  all  of  the  different  sound  that  sound  harmonious  and  arranged  together  you  have  a  fount  of  music  flowing  that  not  only  is harmonious  rhythmic  but also one’s  expression of  jubilation which  has  a  touch  of  joyfulness  a  certain  mood  setting vibrato  lifting of  souls heavenwards  with  a  touch  of  inner  healing

What  it  means  is  when  one  is able  to  create  multiple  sounds  in  unison  and  bring  them  all  together you have  the music coming  out  of  the  means  you  are  using  to create  one or  many .

Culturally overtime man learned to innovatively use ideas to make strings, woodwind, brass, keyboards, and percussion types of instruments  that  helped  reproduce  various  sounds  that complimented  the  sentiments  of  the  societies  he  came  from  or  belonged  to .Later  the  zeal for improvising  those  sounds  took  over  and  assortment  of  musical instruments  found  their  way  and  came  to  be  accepted  widely  all  over  the  world . Mankind   learnt  that  producing  such  melodies  had  its wide  acceptance and  people couldn’t help  but  immerse  in  to  it  .Then  came  performances  where  man  learnt  that  one  could  move  their  body  to  the  rhythm  of  music ,then  came  a  stage when  compositions  followed  thereafter  and  then  mankind  realized  that arrangements  of  several  different  sounds  brought  about  a   combo where  one  could  give  their  ears  to  and  enjoy  it blissfully. 

The modern English word 'music' came into use in the 1630s. 

 Music is played in public and private areas, highlighted at events such as festivalsrock concerts, and orchestra performances, and heard incidentally as part of a score or soundtrack to a film, TV show, opera, or video game. Musical playback is the primary function of an MP3 player or CD player and a universal feature of radios and smartphones.

Music often plays a key role in social activities, religious ritualsrite of passage ceremonies, celebrations, and cultural activities.

The music industry includes songwriters, performers, sound engineers, producers, tour organizers, distributors of instruments, accessories, and sheet music. Compositions, performances, and recordings are assessed and evaluated by music critics, music journalists, and music scholars, as well as amateurs. If  you  think  you  have  it  in  you  then  you  do  know  it  too  well  how  this  hobby and pursuit  helps individuals in multitudinal ways and  in case  you  haven’t  already  started  learning  music  as  yet  now  is  the  time  to  pick and  dust  off  that guitar weeping  gently  in the  corner  which  was  your  grandpa’s birthday  gift to  you  but  you  never    started  playing  learning   back then . Smarten  up  cause  it’s  never  too late  to  start  and  lay a   foundation  to  be a   successful  musician of  tomorrow  . “Giddy up”!  fellas as  this  pursuit  has  a  lot  to  offer  and  it  can’t simply  be  put down .So here  goes 

Creativity and self-expression: It’s  another  art  form that  has  the  potential  to motivate  hobbyist to  be    imaginative  in  firing  up his/her creative  side    in  varying  shades  of musical  colors  to  come  up  with  original    scores    of  musical  compositions  accompanied  by  lyrics . It  often  happens  the  more  creative  side  delivers  something  extraordinary  and  that  becomes  a  chart  topping  hit  and  everyone’s  favorite  a  chartbuster when  the  imagination  is  tapped  to  its  peak reflecting  hobbyist’s  personality and experiences.

Mental stimulation: It’s not hard to understand  how  music  has  the wondrous  ability  to  leave  you  spell  bound  leaving  you  to  stomp  your  feet  or  shake your  body  with  the  rhythm   a  bit because  of  its  stimulating  nature . You  have  your  brain  attuned your cognitive  skills  singing  their  joyful  chorus  and  memory  thanking  you  heartily  for playing  something  melodious  and  lyrical. Ultimately you feel blessed your  attention span heightens up you see your problem solving skill  not  going  south  you are  sharper  than  ever  before  and  your  critical thinking  ability  too  has  improved  making  you  hum  the  tunes  you  love  hearing  yourself  .

Self-confidence and self-esteem: Imagine yourself performing in front of a sea of  crowd and  because  you  Mastered   your  guitar  playing  techniques, your  self-confidence is  at  an all-time ,high your self-esteem  is like  a  new  sun  on  the  horizon  never  wanting  to  go sun setting  itself   down . You  are at  the  pinnacle of  success because  you  left  no  stones  unturned  in  pursuing  this  uniquely  blessed  hobby  . You  feel  at  your  best  learning  composing  new  songs  your  aura sees  a  change  over  and  you are  a  different  you  with  all  goodnesses exuding  their  positive  impact .Your  self  perception  and  abilities  are  witnessing  a  new  avatar  of  you  .

Discipline and perseverance: Learning to play an instrument or mastering musical skills requires discipline and perseverance. Regular practice, setting goals and overcoming challenges can instill a strong work ethic and determination, which can be beneficial in other areas of life as well

Social connection: Talk  about  all  kinds  people pulled  together like  a  magnet  humming  singing  dancing  together  with  a  feeling  of  brotherhood no  racism  no  differences just  love  all  around  and  that  unknown  force to reckon  with that  magnet  is   none  other than  “Music”  which  is  so  intense  you have  it    cruising  through  your body  and  brain  . Musical groups, bands, choirs, or making a head way to the rock concerts and festivals allow individuals to connect with like-minded people with similar interests. This sense of belonging and camaraderie leads to new friendships and a broader social network.

Emotional expression: Know  Music  to  express  emotions and feelings in a creative and cathartic way is  what I  say  .Cause it’s easy to  have  it  serve you  with an  outlet for stress, sadness, happiness, or any other emotion that  you  may  be  saddled with instead of  running to  a  physician or    a  doctor . It’s the combination of both when you want  to  give  a vent  to  all of  that  bothers you deep and  profound   just pick  up  your  instrument  and  start  playing  singing  writing  songs  .Let  the  Music not  take  a  back  seat   in your  life . Let  it all  out  cause  it  does  wonders  and  it has  the  promise  of   helping you  out  of your  misery..

Stress reduction and relaxation.Listening to music calms your worked up senses  down to a  tranquistate .It helps mindand the bodyin turn.knocking off that stress word  from  your  day today life   promoting relaxation delivering  it  as  afruit of joy  for giving  a  listen to all things  happy  lilting  and  melodious .Playing an instrument or singing provides a therapeutic escape from daily worries, way ward chores of disinterest or those mud slung forced upon responsibilities in your life by someone.

Cultural appreciation and understanding: Exploring different genres of music exposes hobbyists to various cultures and traditions. It broadens their horizons, fosters empathy, and promotes a deeper understanding and appreciation of diversity and that’s music to me and all of us.

Subsequent  to  having  heaped  mounts  of  praises for  this  one  of  a  kind  hobby  and  pursuit  I  can’t  help  but  sing  nonstop  chorus  as  to  how   music as a hobby and pursuit leaves    a profound impact on individuals' well-being, fostering their personal growth,  bringing  overall happiness. And  that  sums  up   Part-IX of  the  currently  running  blog  on  hobbies  and  pursuits on Music   ,I  hope  my  endeavor  was  worth your  giving  a  second glance to , in  reading  the  entire  blog  and  assimilating the gist of it .Next  up I  will  have  another  one of    my  favorite blog  Volunteering”  in  Hobbies  and  Pursuit  come  up shortly  which   as  a pursuit helps  individuals  give back to the community   for a cause or organization which  can be  highly  fulfilling almost like   a godly act  helping   others and making  a positive impact  every time  someone  takes  up  the  onus  to do certain  jobs voluntarily  selflessly  to  bring  about  a  social change  in attitude  of  those  who  are or once were not  up to  it  but  seeing  those  who  do  it  find  it  persuasive enough  in  joining  them.    

Ciao  from your

Blogbuddy @


Blogbuddy @ 


Hobbies & pursuits,Part-VIII

 DIY Projects

Voila! my  crafty self  just  about   ,managed  to put up  a  coat  of  fresh  paint  to  my decade old  rusting  fridge  and  guess  what  with  a  bit of  knowhow and a little  bit of  adopting  trial and error  method  here  and  there  I just  made  it  look  like  a  brand  new  piece  of  appliance once again ,  although  I  toiled  for  over  a  fortnight  but  seeing  the  end result it’s  worth  the  trouble  taken  &  now  it’s hard  to  even  make  out  whether  it’s  the same  old  rusty  fridge  or  a  newly  bought  home   appliance . Best  of  all   the  paid  services  for  this  kinda  job  was  done  away  with helping  me curtail  unwanted  expenditure  on  something which  I  knew  I  could very  well do without. In the  end finally   accomplishing   the  task   helped   me  save some money too, bringing a thousand watt smile of satisfaction  on  my face.

First  up  Do it yourself" ("DIY") isn’t  something that most  of  think  the  others  are not  aware  of , in fact by  and  large   the  majority  of  us  indulge  doing things  in  a  way  paid  experts  are  engaged to  do though  initially  with  a  nonprofessional  touch  but  we learn  as  we  go forward  .DIY  as we   know  is   When  you  get  down  to  doing  things  on  all by  yourself  on your  own  by  either  modifying  or  repairing  them  with  no  specialist  hand   involved  to  whom  normally  you  end  up  paying  sometimes  even  though  you  had wished  it  the  other  way round  by spending  no  money  at  all  but  helplessly  had  to  get it  done  because  you  thought  it’s  something  only  the  certified  hands    are  capable  of  and  not  you . But  all that’s  proven  wrong  and  while  it’s  the  easiest  most  of  hobbies  and  pursuits  its  totally  fun when you  get  started  and  finish  with   one project  .As  you  go doing  all  of  the “ do  it  yourself”   stuff  at  home  for  yourself  and  the   others  you  hone  up  your  skill  sets with  each task  and  go to  become an   expert  in  the  end gradually  .   

They say  necessity  is  the  mother  of  invention  so  when  one  is  looking  out   for  a  product  which  is  not  available  in  the  market  those  of  us  who  are  born  craftsmen  look  no  further  than  crafting   it out on  our own because  the  hobby  within  us  triggers  a certain  behavior  where  all  we  want to  do  is  pick  of  tools  of  the  trade  and  get  down  to  shaping  up  raw  material  bringing  to  life  transforming or  reconstructing  what  breaks   down  or goes  defunct 

Here the  hobbyist  is  not  only  capitalizing  on  his talent  he/she  also  is  creating  a  niche  for  self. Seeing  their  worth  the  others  approach  and  one   gets  popular overtime  being  independent  and  better  than the  paid  professionals in  fixing  problems at  half  the  cost  they would  pay  to  the  paid services otherwise.

Now this DIY phrase came in to being somewhere in the ‘50s. Back  in  the  days when  people  noticed  that  by  employing  their  own  hands  if  assortment  of little  tasks and   construction projects  could  be  accomplished  then  why  not  so it  started  full-fledged without  the  help  of  any  outside  aid  for  cash  and  they  decided  to  settle  doing it  on their own and  when it  proved  to  be  creative-recreational and cost-saving activity ,  they  never  looked  back and  the  rest  is  history when   this  hobby  and  pursuit  took  off from their  and  became  a  household trend .     

With the passing of decades, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY has been described as a "self-made-culture"; one of designing, creating, customizing and repairing items or things without any special training. DIY has grown to become a social concept with people sharing ideas, designs, techniques, methods and finished projects with one another either online or in person.

Let’s go elaborating  a  bit more  on the  subject  as the  hobbyists  of  this  have  only   to  gain  with   nothing to  lose .  Due  to  it being  uniquely  different  than  the  other  hobbies and  pursuits  I am  here  to   tell  you how does it help out the ones who embrace it  :  

Delight  and  achievement : The  reason  why  I  said  these  DIY  projects  are  uniquely  distinct  because  of  the  way    hobbyists manage to  create something with their own hands, providing them  with  a sense of accomplishment and self-pride. Accomplishing any such project gives a feeling of satisfaction bolstering ones self-contentment.

Skill shaper:  Usually engaging in DIY projects aids hobbyists polish various skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, creativity, and hand-eye coordination. It provides an opportunity to learn and improve skills in areas like woodworking, painting, sewing, electronics, and more.


Destresser : Most  hobbies  and  pursuits  are  immersive  in  nature  helping  fight stress  and  anxiety .

They are there  to  relax one’s  mind  and  take  away  worries and  sharpen  up ones  orientation  .If  one feels  forever  tagged  with  stress  this  is  the  best  way to  divert  all  of  that .     

Cost-saving: DIY projects often involve creating or repairing things instead of buying them, which can help save money. By learning to fix or create items, individuals can avoid unnecessary expenses and even turn their hobby into a money-saving endeavor.

Customization & personalization: DIY projects allow individuals to customize items according to their preferences and needs. Whether it's designing personalized gifts or creating unique home decor, DIY projects offer the opportunity to express one's individuality and create something truly unique.

Environmental consciousness: Refurbishing recycling  repurposing or upcycling materials helps  mother  nature  breathe  a  sigh  of  relief  as  that’s  where  individual  has  his/her  hand  involved  in  saving  the  earth  and  environment , promoting  sustainability and reducing  waste. It allows individuals to contribute to environmental conservation by reusing items that might otherwise end up in landfills.

Connecting node: When  the  others  share  similar  interest  its a cake  walk  connecting  with those  with  the  same  passion and then  there  are  DIY communities, workshops,  online forums that can  greatly  help  individuals meet like-minded people, share ideas, and learn from each other and  excel  and  turn  out to  be  the  most  sought  after  individual by  the  society .

I  can't be  wrong  when  I  reemphasize upon uniqueness of  DIY projects as a hobby and pursuit offering  a wide range of benefits, including personal satisfaction, skill development, stress relief, cost-saving, customization, environmental consciousness, and social connection and  it certainly  holds  true  when  you  can  handle all  of  this  or just in   parts   by yourself  then you  are  worth  your  salt  because  as  long as  you  can  create something  new  altogether  or  bring  back  to  life  anything  having  gone defunct ,unshapely ,inoperable  dead  or  clumsy;you  are  the cost saving  master craftsman .Hats offto you if  you  are one already !    


So  here  is  where  it  concludes but while  I  am at it  let  me  thank you  all  for your valuable time for stopping to browse by these blogs so until next time.

Ciao  from your

Blogbuddy @


Blogbuddy @ 


Have a blast cutting loose to the beat in your own unique way!

  Hobbies & Pursuits Part XLVII   Freestyling         What   freestyling   ibasically is   ? Freestyling is a fun, creative dance ...